Friday, November 30, 2007

Vegas Pics

Well, as you may (or may not) know, I was TDY to Nellis AFB, which basically is right next door to Las Vegas. So, I stayed at the Las Vegas Hilton (home to Barry Manilow, The Star Trek Experience, some unknown comedians, the guy who won "America's Got Talent" and a pretty good sized off-strip casino). Here are some pics of my adventures in "Sin City"...

Caesar's Palace

Me and the C-Man

The F-A-O Trojan Horse

Baseball's great disgrace - Pete Rose (at Caesar's)

The Venetian

The Rio

The "Strip"

Yup, his bar (& grille)

Sit Ubo Sit, good cat... (the MGM)

Oh yeah, and we visited the base, too...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Silent Monday?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Yes be Yes, and No be No

11 NOV 2007 / 1543L EST

Dearest Family, Friends and the Body of Christ, in whom I reside,

It has been a few days, and that is okay. I attended a wedding this past weekend in New Jersey. It was quite beautiful and full of fun. The ceremony was quite different than most I have experienced; it was Episcopalian and was not very different from Catholic weddings I have seen, except they did not do the “unity” candle. There were homily’s in which the congregation participated in the prayers and the actual ceremony; very meaningful and really got my brain thinking (like that takes much these days…). What if the community of believers (and even non-believers in this sense) at the wedding truly walked out what they spoke out during the ceremony? They were asked to say “We Will” if they would do all they could to make sure the relationship was to last till “death do us part”; of course, as with any large group - every one said it and the ceremony moved on without a skip in the rhythm.

What if? I knew some within the ceremony, friends and family of the bride mostly. I knew of some relational hurts, even of divorces, remarriages, etc. You wonder if people vowed, as well as to help them in their time of hurt, and then when trouble came (in whatever fashion), they chose to not be involved; “it’s their own life, it’s not our place to get in the middle,” or whatever excuse can come to mind that we humans use to not be in peoples lives when they really need us (even though every day when there isn’t trouble, we love to be in the middle of everyone’s business). It’s like when we’re driving on the highway, see a car broken down and think, “oh my, hope thy got a cell phone” and continue driving on; but when it’s us on the side of the road, we hope for help – even in the bright light of the day, most cars just drive by and “wish us well.”

What if? What happened to a community of people that walked by their word, took care of the “least of these” as well as, basically, everyone? I would say pick up your Bible and read Acts, but we know community still happens after that, but that is one of the greatest examples (also see the Mennonites and Amish communities for clearer modern examples, really, seriously – they are communities that don’t have Social Security, mostly no insurance or anything – they take care of their own… hmmm, something to think about?). We all sit there on Sundays, Weddings, Funerals (and any other occasions that deal with actually talking to someone or promising something), and say the usual “Yes’s” and “Amen’s” saying we will be there for them no matter what, or if they ever need anything we will be there… in all honesty, most people say it to be comforting and have no plans or thought to actually act on it. Sad. Truly sad. Now, I don’t say it’s everyone, but I am sure most people in this world have done this at least once, why, just because. It makes stuff go by faster; we can leave the sooner we say what we think “they need to hear.” Basically, the next day, we forget we even agreed to be a true community. Instead, we only think of our own community: Me, Myself and I; if it doesn’t benefit Me, why should I even actually do anything? Scary.

What If? I wonder of the over 100 people at this Wedding ceremony in New Jersey, who actually meant what they said; to be a community for people who take care of their own? You know, what we have become, when our words can’t even match our deeds (and vice-versa). That even as Christians we can’t even be people of our word and not even come close to anything considered Honorable, Trustworthy, Virtuous, maybe even Pure or dare I say… Holy.

What if? It starts with us. Not as Christians, or church members… I mean it starts with us individually (Christian, Muslim, Mormon, Jewish, Athiest). If we can’t change on the singular level; how can something that isn’t even singular multiply? It Can’t. I can talk, others can talk all they want on this subject, but it is all for naught if I (or anyone else) can’t or won’t even change my ways. I know I have been here and there with all of this. I know I have driven past the broken down vehicle too many times when I knew I could’ve taken a little out of my day to assist. I know I have said “I will” when it comes to weddings, funerals, etc to be there for friends and family (and I have been on the receiving end as well) and in a few hours forget I even agreed to help.

“Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform your oaths to the Lord.’ But I say to you, do not swear at all: neither by heaven, for it is God’s throne; nor by the earth, for it His footstool; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. Nor shall you swear by your head, because you cannot make one hair white or black. But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.”

- Matthew 5:33-37 (NKJV) *emphasis added

The scripture referenced really speaks to us Christians on how we really need to be when it comes to how we speak to people. If you don’t intend to actually do as you say, don’t say it! At least if you don’t say it, you will know you are being honest, and if they asked why you didn’t say anything comforting (like, “anything you need, I’m here for you”), at least you can point out that if you said it and didn’t mean it: you would be lying. What friend or family member would want to lie? It seems too many.

This is something I know I need to be changing in my own life. When I responded during the wedding, I really meant it. I really hope that if there is anything we can do to help, even if it’s just an ear to listen, that we can offer at least that. Just because we live many states away doesn’t mean that community ends. Community is in the hearts of its members, no matter the distance. I leave you with that. Goodnight.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Picture Friday

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Speechless Wed.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Food for the Moment

Hey all,

Just thought I would send a lil’ note as a kind of “food for thought”

Food for the moment:

It is the LORD your God you must follow, and Him you must revere. Keep His commands and obey Him; serve Him and hold fast to Him.” – Deuteronomy 13:4

When you look at this scripture, what comes to mind? For myself, it really hit home with the last part, holding fast to Him. How do we do that today? What does it look like? Can our schedule even fit that, especially when we have work, school, church, families, friends, dinners, etc…. Our life can become so bogged down with all these things. And yes, we can even do church without holding fast to God (but that is whole other area to dive into, maybe for another day…).

Back to the holding; so how can we do this on a daily basis today? I know my day, weeks and months can be pretty full, and I often lose site of my Lord, as if He grows strangely dim and the world outshines… This is not like the old hymn encourages us with: “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace” (“Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”, Helen H. Lemmel, 1922). It is even in the midst of our craziness and filled days that we need to keep our eyes on Him, and hold fast to Him.

What does “hold fast” mean? According to the awesome online Dictionary/Thesaurus it means:



hold fast - stick to firmly; "Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?"

bind, bond, stick to, stick, adhere

bind - form a chemical bond with; "The hydrogen binds the oxygen"

cling, cohere, adhere, cleave, stick - come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation; "The dress clings to her body"; "The label stuck to the box"; "The sushi rice grains cohere"

attach - become attached; "The spider's thread attached to the window sill"

So, a question to ask ourselves is, “am I bonded with my Lord, is there some supernatural superglue in my relationship with God, or am I just using some masking tape here ant here?” Trust me, masking tape does not hold things together well, or for long periods of time (depending on what you are trying to bring together, it may not work at all). Even a little rain, humid day can cause the tape to just fall off. So, where are we in our relationship with God; are we holding fast, or just hanging by a thin thread.

Some things we can all try this week is taking time to talk with Him, whether in prayer, or just talking with Him, really… You don’t have to drop to your knees and cry aloud or say a complicated prayer, just at your desk, while driving, talk to Him. Another is reading His Word, whether with your Bible, or online at, or if you can’t or don’t have physical access, try putting a scripture or two on a sticky note in your wallet/purse/pocket. At least with these options, you can begin to really hold fast to Him, talking to Him and listening to Him and really just seeking Him daily.

Holding fast can seem pretty hard to do when we have trusted others and even ourselves to take care of this and that in our lives. As this verse says, He is the one we are to be looking to, for all things, and it is Him we are to Hold Fast to, always.

I hope this encourages you to begin looking to Him on a daily basis, and not just when you feel you have exhausted your own avenues, no matter what the situation.



Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I'm bored, and was yelled at to write something on here (ahem, Rachel...)

Four Jobs I've Had

  1. U.S. Army
  2. U.S. Air Force
  3. U.S. Navy
  4. Riverside Research Institute
Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over Again
  1. Transformers
  2. Ghost Rider
  3. Office Space
  4. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Four Places I've Lived
  1. Fairborn, Ohio
  2. Aurora, Colorado
  3. Pensacola, Florida
  4. Sierra Vista, Arizona
Four TV Shows I Watch
  1. Battlestar Galactica (the new series)
  2. Law&Order: Criminal Intent
  3. Law&Order: Special Victims Unit
  4. Dirty Jobs
So yeah, that's about it... um, i'm hungry, time to go...

Till next post... <><

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Baby's 1st Picture!

Our baby at 7 WEEKS!!!!

Tentative Due Date: 7 February 2008

Our lil' one is pumping out 144 heart beats per minute!!! (it's a trooper!!!)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!! (to my wife, from her husband!)

Thank you Jesus for this awesome woman! This has been the best year of my life, and it is all because of her (living for You) in my life. I look forward to the many years ahead with you Amanda, and our children (however many the Lord would Bless us with)!

Amanda, you have been such an encouragement in my life since day one. From getting me into the Word seriously and praying for me every day and night. I love it when we read together in bed, falling asleep to the sound of your voice reading God's Word to me. When we get to church, and you are right by my side singing with me to the lord, whether in the pews or Leading Worship for the church.

You have become my best friend, and everyday we grow closer and closer together. Tonight we celebrate how richly we are Blessed; our marriage.

I know my life has never, and will never be the same with you here, and trust me, it has changed for the better and continues down that road every moment!

To all who read this, I just want to proclaim my love for my Proverbs 31, Gift from God, my one-an-only helpmate, my WIFE... Amanda Jeanne.

I love you Amanda Jeanne, Always and Forever...


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A REALLY LONG update :-)

So yeah, it's been awhile since our last post here on the 'ol Blogger. So much to say, but what to say??? Where to start???

Well, I guess we can back track to after my grandfather’s funeral:

April 15 – May 3, 2007

After visiting with family in Connecticut, we returned home to continue on with all we had to do; Amanda with classes and me back to the part-time workforce and school work.

Going back to that while waiting for the full-time job opportunity to show itself can become very stagnating. Stuck… Spiritually, mentally and physically:

Mentally: Not feeling challenged in my college courses; I don’t feel I am earning every “A” or 4.0 GPA I get with each class finished.

Physically: Not satisfied being a part-time worker, more like a Thursday and Friday worker. Wanting to get that phone call that says I can start my full-time job. I was feeling a little lower than the average man and husband.

Spiritually: Slipping in prayer, reading and focusing on the Lord. Feeling no movement closer, yet feeling farther, amazing what feeling stuck can do to a relationship.

May 4 – 20, 2007

A little time later, I received some great news; my full-time job was going to start, but I had to wait two weeks before having a video tele-conference (VTC) with the company vice-president. I was ecstatic that I was finally going to start working for Riverside Research Institute (RRI) (

The only downside is I had to wait the two weeks; I was bummed, but just happy to know my job was all set. Well, it just happened to be that I cam down with a sinus infection, followed 3 days later, pneumonia (yes, 3 days later!). It sucked a lot to have pneumonia, especially when I have never had that before (and I never wan it again!).

Through that time, I felt my relationship with my wife grow closer as she took care of me. There is just something that brings two together when caretaking is involved. I could seriously feel the ministry of my wife in my life as she prayed over me and cared for me physically. God has blessed me with an amazing woman, wife, lover and best friend.

The weekend spiritually was a small stepping stone. I started to pray more, read a little more (not as much as I was hoping, but a start) and of course, was leading Worship Sunday morning. I was scared to get up there and lead Worship, not only for the earthy logistical reasons (band members missing for the holiday, putting together the set, guest pastor speaking, etc.) u also for the state of my spiritual mindset (as I saw it).

It was definitely a time of growth, and putting aside me and focusing on Him. Amanda and I prayed much before this Worship morning, and just stepped out there, because He is deserving of all our Praise.

The morning went without incident and I came out of the Worship a changed heart, remembering what he called me to do.

May 21 – 28, 2007

Started work on that Monday following the two weeks. It was extremely boring, since I had to wait to start my real job with the company on Wright-Patterson AFB. The way I looked at it is I may have been bored, but at least I was being paid for it! Definitely feeling like a provider now! It was a start, and I was feeling like a man again!

The week, although boring as I waited to get on base, was not uneventful. Two employees from my company came from the base and took me out to lunch to tell me little about what I would be doing for work and basically introduce themselves. Finally, the week ended with a large bar-b-que with the company to celebrate Memorial Weekend, and have a large company meeting.

May 29 – 31, 2007

Finally was on-base and doing the job I was hired on for. You know, working 9 hours never felt so fun (well, working 12 hour shifts was fun, when I did the evenings back in Colorado).

I have my on cubicle, my own phone (2 actually), and 3 computers. It’s not a bad deal at all. It is amazing how much more awake, alive, manly I feel while working. Coming home to a beautiful waiting wife, having worked all day, earning my pay… I just feel like a true husband, a true head of the household.

My Beautiful wife!

Praying has become more of a focus between my wife and I; dedicating time, especially before bed to speaking to Him individually as well as together. Yes, sometimes sleepiness is too much to pray a lot, but I make sure I pray over my every night and morning.

It is a blessing to be a working man and husband for my wife.

June 1, 2007

Now this day was the bearer of the greatest news since our wedding day…

I believe this picture explains it all… J

We found out, by the test and the doctor’s office that we are going to be parents!!! How amazing is that!

Of course, the questions came like a flood… “are you ready?” “was this planned?” “was it a surprise?” “umm, you’re what?”

Our response has been, yes, we are surprised, no, we are not ready (what first-time parent ever is???) and was this planned… well, we say, “we weren’t trying, but we weren’t preventing.” That pretty much sums that up!

Right after we received the call, we made a knee-dive for the floor and started praying over each other, the baby God has blessed us with and my wife and baby’s health. After that, we got up, had a good cry and well, I pretty much started jumping up and down; I am going to be a dad!

June 2 – 3, 2007

This weekend we pretty much started spreading the news to our family and close friends that we had received news of good cheer! That the stork, per say, had visited our home. What a thing to be telling people, that we are pregnant (well, she is, but you know what I mean!)

June 4, 2007

This was Amanda’s 26th Birthday! Yes, my amazing wife is one year older, one year wiser and more beautiful than ever.

Posing before her Birthday night out

I took her out to Jay’s Seafood restaurant. It is the best place we can go for actual fresh seafood here in Ohio. A little pricey, but worth it once you get that fresh Maine lobster on your plate, mmm mmm! The waiter brought over a cake with a candle at the end of our evening. It was a great night, and Amanda was thoroughly happy.

My baby all dolled up!

June 5 – 6, 2007

Basically, I had class, and not much happened for myself here. Amanda had the wonderful stress of finals, but came out unscathed and ready for the next few weeks off.

June 7 – 8, 2007

Amanda’s sister (my sister-in-law, affectionately called SIL by yours truly) and friend Claire came for a visit. It was so awesome to finally meet my sister-in-law, and a wonderful time too, since the news of our bundle of joy! They brought with them many gifts, including a Sari’ from India


As you can see, she is a natural for Indian beauty. We got to hear their stories, and even try a taste of cultured cuisine; not just Indian. (Minus the meat, since they are vegetarians)

Also, they brought some items from her Aunt Donna. It wasn’t exactly exciting, since they are items she was passing on as she knows her time is near. Amanda cried, and they shared stories of Aunt Donna and Uncle Steve.

Also that evening, as they hung outside with the dog and a friend of ours I went and bought an ice-cream cake (her fav as well as mine!), and put 26 candles on it, and had everyone come in. She was definitely surprised and full after the cake.

June 9, 2007

Well, this was the big day!!!!! Amanda’s Surprise Party!!!! Yes, it was awesome, and she was almost surprised (we kinda arrived early, and her friends arrived same moment, so it kind of gave it away) J

It all happened at Dave & Buster’s in Cincinnati. Everyone had an awesome time playing the games, eating the food and enjoying each others company. Amanda made sure to play a lot of Dance, Dance Revolution (DDR).

All the party-goers and some not there all chipped in for her birthday gift…

An XBOX360 w/DDR Game, 2 DDR Dance Pads, 2 Wireless controllers.

Well, that is the update over the past “few” days J

Till next post… <><

Monday, April 09, 2007

Good-bye Grandpa

Edward Salmoiraghi
April 28, 1925 - April 9, 2007

This morning, my grandfather died. Edward H. Salmoiraghi. 81 years young. His body was slowly failing him, day by day.

Even though his death was expected, it is still shocking, and painful.

What do i say? I don't know.

Amanda and I were hoping to see him once more this coming weekend during my father's 50th b-day party. We wish we could have sooner now. We rejoice in that Amanda was able to meet him over the Christmas Holiday, and my grandfather fell in love with her (and the puppy) on the spot. He will be missed... Till we see you in heaven...

Please be praying for Amanda and I, my family and especially my grandmother. her world has crashed down around her. She is thankful her children surround her, but to lose a husband, lover and best friend is more than a person can take sometimes.

Thank you Lord for the many days I spent with my grandfather, learning from him, watching him work hard and hear the stories of his life, may I NEVER forget them or lose them in my lifetime or my children's.

Friday, March 30, 2007

New Weapons of Worshipping Warfare (Coming Soon!)

Well, with help of an awesome brother, and the money I have put aside; a new member of my arsenal of worship weapons...

Gibson Les Paul Studio Electric Guitar

Gibson Case :-)

VOX ToneLab SE Tube Driven Modeling Floorboard Processor

Some of you may be wondering... "Why?!?!?!" Well, it is simple... As many of you realize, I have been a primarily acoustic Worship Leader and have been wanting to extend to some electric work, rhythm and some lead training. With this equipment I can begin some serious expansion of my playing skills. Especially as I am leaning more towards Hillsong / Hillsong United / Desperation Band style of Worship Leading. Also, as I expand my talent borders, is learning to the use the electric in a softer environment, like Tomlin, Redman, Crowder, Hall and other Contemporary Worship artists.

God is good and worthy of our praise! I am excited to receive these tools into my hands, to turn them right back to Him in song!

As you may/or may not know, my wife and I are available to lead Worship if you have a need or a want in this area. You can contact us through here or at or at our MySpace page.

- God Bless <><

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Semi-Wordless Wed?

Chris Tomlin (left) and Matt Redman (right) live in Columbus, OH, March 25th
Worshipping Loud and Clear!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

A New Day Begins

A new day, what does it hold and why?

Priorities change. Once the borders and lines that separated the priorities were skewed and blurred beyond recognition. How did this happen? It could have been when we both started school work and found ourselves stressed and when needing relaxation, we chose to do it right before bed with the warming glow of the television.

it started slowly, with the addiction of Law & Order:SVU and Law & Order:CI, then on to the talk radio programs of Neil Boortz, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Howard Clark and Michael Savage. It began to replace the sermons I loved on CDR (Cedarville University's Radio Station) Radio, and the music I was listening to on, sadly, K-Love (as many of you know, I can't stand the 'soccer-mom' oriented programming on this particular
syndicated radio station...), even forsaking the FM Transmitter for my iPod (gasp!), and still choosing to listen to the talksters.

Soon prayer left the room faster than a fat Elvis looking for the last apple strudel, and the personal worship time was replaced personal laziness and school work. Instead of praying for each other we were arguing over who was more stressed
(obviously she was and is - Master's vs. Bachelor's, you take a guess).

As this oh-so-cute picture shows, is how I felt for each day.

for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: 'Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.'" - Ephesians 5:14

Basically as I lost sight of the Lord, I lost site of my own wife. She became lost, as she looked for spiritual (and earthly) guidance and leadership. I started to become which I hated and she feared, I was becoming that which she had not married. What was I to do? I knew what I had to do, but how would I do it, what did it take, why did I fear returning to the Lord?

Well, last night I came to a pivotal point of change. I truly realized this and where I was as I was taking care of my wife. I was doing all for her, in love, laundry, dishes, at her beckoning call no matter what she asked. I realized this is what she needs everyday (maybe not the extreme as when she is sick, but still the same none-the-less); for it to be in love, but Christ's love, by His Word and by His strength.

I need to get back in the Word, back in personal prayer time (which leads to praying for and with my wife daily, even more than daily!) and once again pick up my guitar not just for Worship practice, but for my own personal Worship experience. And Worship for myself and us as a couple; yet it is all for Him, from us.

Today has been the turning point. Last night I fell on bended knees to my wife and prayed for God's grace to be in my life. I know I am forgiven (by God and by her), but no longer could I walk/run/crawl under my own power and strength, but only by His. I was on my knees praying, and weeping and felt the strength I needed to start this move forward in the right direction on the right path - His.

I went to bed a different man than who walked and talked during that morning. I awoke feeling renewed and refreshed; I still have many obstacles and personal habits (i.e. not reading the Word, not praying) I need to walk through and break. Today has been no exception, I have found it hard to pick up the Bible, but I will, and pray (which I did in the shower, actually keeping the talk radio off on the shower radio). I want to change, my wife wants me to change and above all, god wants me to change and led me to Him in his own way.

Now, I am taking the steps needed to keep my true priorities in check and solid this time. (1) GOD - (2) FAMILY - (3) SCHOOL - (4) WORK.

It's been a good day of slightly slacking (I will admit), but also laundry, looking good (shaved, decent and all for my wife), taking care of my wife and listening to Worship flow through the house on our stereo system.

Now, I am off to walk the dog and return to homework and spending time in the Word with my wife; who knows, I might even pick up the guitar and sing a song to Him?

It's a new day, the possibilities are endless...

Friday, March 16, 2007

It is well with my soul

Amanda has been home and doing well. She has been uncomfortable, sore, but thanks to the creation of percocets, she is feeling fine.

Thanks to all of you who prayed, called, emailed and texted your encouragement to us.

It has been a rough ride even for just me and my faith, as a husband and a man.

On a side note, I am seeing where my priorities are. But... I will leace that to another thought-filled blog.

Thank you all.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

update on my wife.

Well, it feels like the night took forever to pass by. I know I slept, but very little and in spurts. About 10 minutes until I leave to head to the hospital and see my wife and hopefully not much longer until we can take her home. I miss her dearly. Especially when she is in such pain and doscomfort, I just want to take care of with all I am.

Thank you all for your prayers, especially for her. I will keep you updated as the days go by...

Monday, March 12, 2007

I Love my Wife

It's late, and I find it hard to sleep without my beautiful bride next to me this evening. The surgery went well today, a little longer than expected due to a few things that they had to do they didn't expect.

I hope she sleeps well this evening, she is sleepy, but still uncomfortable enough not to sleep. I sang to her over the phone, per her request, hoping this would help relax her. I am not sure if did, but a little Worship lifted her spirits and made her yawn. All in His hands.

She said when she awoke from the anesthesia that she cried, due to it hurt so bad (they gave her morphine after arriving to the recovery room). I wish I could have been able to do something.

She will be home tomorrow, and that is exciting. I know she will be uncomfortable, and I hope I am able to do everything I can to take care of her and help her heal.

Yet, for now, I can't sleep; wishing I was with her to hold her hand and help her sleep and relax.

It will be great to see her tomorrow and get her home as soon as possible.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers and support.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wordless Wed.

Monday, February 19, 2007

President's Day

So, welcome to the great holiday of President's Day. No parades, no cool cartoon specials, but a lot of car deals... go figure.

So yeah, another weekend has passed us to bring us this day off (no complaints here). The weekend went by very well, I think? Saturday was relaxing; we were up at 8 to be prepared to lead the worship practice for Sunday at 10am. The practice went extremely well, i am so impressed every day by the talent and hearts of the band I get to work with. After the practice, Amanda and I ended up going to see "Ghost Rider" at the nearby theater, it was frigging awesome. We left the movie very satisfied and impressed, and were glad to be one of many who helped the movie gross as the top movie of the weekend. Next, we headed home and played with the puppy, and shoveled the driveway, again (we love the snow!). We ended up going to bed pretty early since we were going to be up even earlier to have a last-minute practice at 8am before 1st service (we were only leading 2nd service this time). Well, being tired, not eating sure kills my voice, so for myself, the practice didn't seem the best; let's just say I was excited for the chance to get home, eat something change and rest my voice with some hot teas.

Sunday, 2nd Service, 11am. From where I was leading Worship, all seemed to go A-OK, but when i looked into the ones Worshiping, it was a different story. They just were not participating as they have before. Some sang, some stood there and stared at the band. I know we played a few new songs, but this was just a very empty time for them, and I did not know what to do except pray as I worshiped. It was very hard, like walking through mud, or deep snow. By the end of the service, I was very tired. As a worship leader, I am leading people into Worshiping God, did I fail? I found through some friends, that the sound was not mixed well, and during the last set before dismissing, my voice was not very audible. I don't know, I could blame technology, but was it more of me than the sound techs? It is during these moments, that I know what God has called us to do, but I just want to lay my weapon of Worship (guitar/voice) down and take a break from it all. I know I can't. How can I better worship my King? How can I be more open and available for Him to use me as He chooses?

So today, I just reflect as my wife and I enjoy this day together. We didn't even roll out of bed until 11, we watched "Little Miss Sunshine," which was an adorable movie. As we just spent that time in each others arms, I just wanted to stay there forever, loving her and being loved. We haven't talked about yesterday at all, mostly because I forbade it right after we left church (due to I felt so weak and wanted to solve this on my own). Today, i think we ma talk more and pray about it and just seek Him through His Word and through Worship (however that may be acted out - song, silence).

Well, till next time my friends, whomever and wherever you are.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Finally, a new post!

So, yeah, it's been awhile my friends! Sorry for the delayed posting, we have had quite the stress the past few weeks and month.

First off, my grandfather in Connecticut is slowly dying. He does know the Lord. As of right now, he is unable to hear or walk and his feet are turning black. He is 81 years old. Much stress in upon my family, especially my grandmother. She is unable to take care of him due to her failing health and now her depression as he gets worse. Right now he is in a rehab home, and their medic-care will only pay for 20 days in the home - beyond that is $100/day ut of my grandmothers pocket. She cannot afford that, so y father has hired them a lawyer to make sure their home is untouchable (which has worked) and her their savings (in progress), or else they will be broke in a few months time; if my grandfather is alive that long. The prayer is now that the Lord will take him home and away from the pain and silence.

Second, my wife has found out that she does need surgery for an unmentioned (as in I know, God knows and family knows) reason and there are a plethora of "ifs' and "ands" that can come out of it; especially on the subject of us having a child. So please pray for her and I, since for me as a husband, I want to do everything I can (beyond prayer) to help her and be there for her and that is hard when all you can do is trust the Lord and pray.

Third, for me as I have been looking for a job to support my family with so we can no longer be a one-income family. As we all know, unless you are a Worship Pastor, leading Worship does not bring any pay; well that is me. I have been going to school as well as a few hours here and there at my friends Greek restaurant. It just has not been enough for us. So, I had an interview with a company last week that is contracted by the US Government for a job I have 7 years experience in. They want me! So, after a year out of the career field I was int he Air Force, I am hopefully going to be back on the saddle again and bringing home the proverbial bacon for my wife! The prayer is since I have not used my security clearance in just about a year, they need to check into it to reactivate and see what they need to do (if I need to do paperwork, etc); that the Lord's hand would be in the midst of that so my job can be official and I can head my happy butt back into the workforce and a job I truly enjoy doing.

So, as you can see, it's been a crazy few months for us. Love you all and thanks for your prayers, and oh yeah, pray and tell Rachel and Nathan to get their butts over for a visit, haha!