A new day, what does it hold and why?
Priorities change. Once the borders and lines that separated the priorities were skewed and blurred beyond recognition. How did this happen? It could have been when we both started school work and found ourselves stressed and when needing relaxation, we chose to do it right before bed with the warming glow of the television.
it started slowly, with the addiction of Law & Order:SVU and Law & Order:CI, then on to the talk radio programs of Neil Boortz, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Howard Clark and Michael Savage. It began to replace the sermons I loved on CDR (Cedarville University's Radio Station) Radio, and the music I was listening to on, sadly, K-Love (as many of you know, I can't stand the 'soccer-mom' oriented programming on this particular syndicated radio station...), even forsaking the FM Transmitter for my iPod (gasp!), and still choosing to listen to the talksters.
Soon prayer left the room faster than a fat Elvis looking for the last apple strudel, and the personal worship time was replaced personal laziness and school work. Instead of praying for each other we were arguing over who was more stressed
(obviously she was and is - Master's vs. Bachelor's, you take a guess).
As this oh-so-cute picture shows, is how I felt for each day.
"for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: 'Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.'" - Ephesians 5:14
Basically as I lost sight of the Lord, I lost site of my own wife. She became lost, as she looked for spiritual (and earthly) guidance and leadership. I started to become which I hated and she feared, I was becoming that which she had not married. What was I to do? I knew what I had to do, but how would I do it, what did it take, why did I fear returning to the Lord?
Well, last night I came to a pivotal point of change. I truly realized this and where I was as I was taking care of my wife. I was doing all for her, in love, laundry, dishes, at her beckoning call no matter what she asked. I realized this is what she needs everyday (maybe not the extreme as when she is sick, but still the same none-the-less); for it to be in love, but Christ's love, by His Word and by His strength.
I need to get back in the Word, back in personal prayer time (which leads to praying for and with my wife daily, even more than daily!) and once again pick up my guitar not just for Worship practice, but for my own personal Worship experience. And Worship for myself and us as a couple; yet it is all for Him, from us.
Today has been the turning point. Last night I fell on bended knees to my wife and prayed for God's grace to be in my life. I know I am forgiven (by God and by her), but no longer could I walk/run/crawl under my own power and strength, but only by His. I was on my knees praying, and weeping and felt the strength I needed to start this move forward in the right direction on the right path - His.
I went to bed a different man than who walked and talked during that morning. I awoke feeling renewed and refreshed; I still have many obstacles and personal habits (i.e. not reading the Word, not praying) I need to walk through and break. Today has been no exception, I have found it hard to pick up the Bible, but I will, and pray (which I did in the shower, actually keeping the talk radio off on the shower radio). I want to change, my wife wants me to change and above all, god wants me to change and led me to Him in his own way.
Now, I am taking the steps needed to keep my true priorities in check and solid this time. (1) GOD - (2) FAMILY - (3) SCHOOL - (4) WORK.
It's been a good day of slightly slacking (I will admit), but also laundry, looking good (shaved, decent and all for my wife), taking care of my wife and listening to Worship flow through the house on our stereo system.
Now, I am off to walk the dog and return to homework and spending time in the Word with my wife; who knows, I might even pick up the guitar and sing a song to Him?
It's a new day, the possibilities are endless...