Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
President's Day
So, welcome to the great holiday of President's Day. No parades, no cool cartoon specials, but a lot of car deals... go figure.
So yeah, another weekend has passed us to bring us this day off (no complaints here). The weekend went by very well, I think? Saturday was relaxing; we were up at 8 to be prepared to lead the worship practice for Sunday at 10am. The practice went extremely well, i am so impressed every day by the talent and hearts of the band I get to work with. After the practice, Amanda and I ended up going to see "Ghost Rider" at the nearby theater, it was frigging awesome. We left the movie very satisfied and impressed, and were glad to be one of many who helped the movie gross as the top movie of the weekend. Next, we headed home and played with the puppy, and shoveled the driveway, again (we love the snow!). We ended up going to bed pretty early since we were going to be up even earlier to have a last-minute practice at 8am before 1st service (we were only leading 2nd service this time). Well, being tired, not eating sure kills my voice, so for myself, the practice didn't seem the best; let's just say I was excited for the chance to get home, eat something change and rest my voice with some hot teas.
Sunday, 2nd Service, 11am. From where I was leading Worship, all seemed to go A-OK, but when i looked into the ones Worshiping, it was a different story. They just were not participating as they have before. Some sang, some stood there and stared at the band. I know we played a few new songs, but this was just a very empty time for them, and I did not know what to do except pray as I worshiped. It was very hard, like walking through mud, or deep snow. By the end of the service, I was very tired. As a worship leader, I am leading people into Worshiping God, did I fail? I found through some friends, that the sound was not mixed well, and during the last set before dismissing, my voice was not very audible. I don't know, I could blame technology, but was it more of me than the sound techs? It is during these moments, that I know what God has called us to do, but I just want to lay my weapon of Worship (guitar/voice) down and take a break from it all. I know I can't. How can I better worship my King? How can I be more open and available for Him to use me as He chooses?
So today, I just reflect as my wife and I enjoy this day together. We didn't even roll out of bed until 11, we watched "Little Miss Sunshine," which was an adorable movie. As we just spent that time in each others arms, I just wanted to stay there forever, loving her and being loved. We haven't talked about yesterday at all, mostly because I forbade it right after we left church (due to I felt so weak and wanted to solve this on my own). Today, i think we ma talk more and pray about it and just seek Him through His Word and through Worship (however that may be acted out - song, silence).
Well, till next time my friends, whomever and wherever you are.
Posted by
The Salmoiraghi Clan
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Finally, a new post!
So, yeah, it's been awhile my friends! Sorry for the delayed posting, we have had quite the stress the past few weeks and month.
First off, my grandfather in Connecticut is slowly dying. He does know the Lord. As of right now, he is unable to hear or walk and his feet are turning black. He is 81 years old. Much stress in upon my family, especially my grandmother. She is unable to take care of him due to her failing health and now her depression as he gets worse. Right now he is in a rehab home, and their medic-care will only pay for 20 days in the home - beyond that is $100/day ut of my grandmothers pocket. She cannot afford that, so y father has hired them a lawyer to make sure their home is untouchable (which has worked) and her their savings (in progress), or else they will be broke in a few months time; if my grandfather is alive that long. The prayer is now that the Lord will take him home and away from the pain and silence.Second, my wife has found out that she does need surgery for an unmentioned (as in I know, God knows and family knows) reason and there are a plethora of "ifs' and "ands" that can come out of it; especially on the subject of us having a child. So please pray for her and I, since for me as a husband, I want to do everything I can (beyond prayer) to help her and be there for her and that is hard when all you can do is trust the Lord and pray.
Third, for me as I have been looking for a job to support my family with so we can no longer be a one-income family. As we all know, unless you are a Worship Pastor, leading Worship does not bring any pay; well that is me. I have been going to school as well as a few hours here and there at my friends Greek restaurant. It just has not been enough for us. So, I had an interview with a company last week that is contracted by the US Government for a job I have 7 years experience in. They want me! So, after a year out of the career field I was int he Air Force, I am hopefully going to be back on the saddle again and bringing home the proverbial bacon for my wife! The prayer is since I have not used my security clearance in just about a year, they need to check into it to reactivate and see what they need to do (if I need to do paperwork, etc); that the Lord's hand would be in the midst of that so my job can be official and I can head my happy butt back into the workforce and a job I truly enjoy doing.
So, as you can see, it's been a crazy few months for us. Love you all and thanks for your prayers, and oh yeah, pray and tell Rachel and Nathan to get their butts over for a visit, haha!
Posted by
The Salmoiraghi Clan