No Work, No Money, School, Lots of Stress and our car is for sale
It's been quite a while since our last update. Stress just doesn't seem to be the word that covers it all.
We are a one-income family at the moment (hopefully not a forever moment). New location, new house, new baby, new school and all the stress that comes with it. I (Joseph) have been to 5 job fairs to no avail. I have applied even at the places of business that are not big companies that do government work (i.e. Wal-Mart, Target, etc.) - where I was either not called back or told I was "over-qualified" for any positions.
I have been searching work since 3 months prior to having to move and since we moved here end of March 2008 (so, about 6 months of searching) through the internet, in-person and job fairs. It almost seems all the effort I put is fruitless. I have a family to take care of and provide for, bills to pay and I am at a loss as what to do that is different from what I am doing. Also, the only jobs that would seem to fit me are positions that are in Denver (which is about 2 hrs - with traffic - each way) or over seas (which is hard due to our 4 month old).
I am still trying, praying and far from giving up. It can be very hard to keep going, but I have much support - First and foremost, my strength comes from the Lord, Second, my wife and my child keep me going when I feel as though I do not have the strength to to even look up.
Okay... on to the positives...
Well, I have lost 15 lbs in just over a month, and I am working out everyday now to make myself healthier (I want to be around for my grandkids and just plain have the energy to play and raise my son). As well as in the process of trying to get back into the reserves as a "weekend warrior." Please be praying I can lose the required weight and pass the entrance physical, this will at least be a partial income to help. So, I am eating better, working out everyday (really, I am working out - some intense stuff) and just doing all I can to be a better Husband and Father to my family.
I am back in school! I am attending Colorado Christian University, studying for a B.S. in Organizational Management in Project Management. Less than a year to go!!!! MAY 2009! Well, I hope all goes well! Thanks to student loans and the amazing Montgomery G.I. Bill, I can finish immediately. I hope and pray the finishing of this degree (or the in-progress part) will help with the job seeking.
Also, we are selling our car, since it's the one you can't fit a baby in, hehe. So, we are hoping it will sell better than a house! So, if you are interested or know someone who is, you can find our car on craigslist ( and firebirdtrader ( with pictures and some good descriptions of the car.
So yeah, that's life so far...
Holding our heads up high on a cloudy day <><