Thursday, July 12, 2007

I'm bored, and was yelled at to write something on here (ahem, Rachel...)

Four Jobs I've Had

  1. U.S. Army
  2. U.S. Air Force
  3. U.S. Navy
  4. Riverside Research Institute
Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over Again
  1. Transformers
  2. Ghost Rider
  3. Office Space
  4. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Four Places I've Lived
  1. Fairborn, Ohio
  2. Aurora, Colorado
  3. Pensacola, Florida
  4. Sierra Vista, Arizona
Four TV Shows I Watch
  1. Battlestar Galactica (the new series)
  2. Law&Order: Criminal Intent
  3. Law&Order: Special Victims Unit
  4. Dirty Jobs
So yeah, that's about it... um, i'm hungry, time to go...

Till next post... <><